Embest IDE
浏览次数:27次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
Embest IDE英文全称是Embest Integrated Development Environment,是深圳市英蓓特信息技术有限公司推出的一套应用于嵌入式软件开发的新一代集成开发环境。 Embest IDE是一个高度集成的图形界面操作环境,包含编
ee Pascal
浏览次数:69次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
Free Pascal目录[隐藏]Free Pascal 简介Free Pascal 与 Turbo Pascal 的区别Free Pascal相对于Turbo Pascal的扩充PASCAL程序设计介绍PASCAL语言介绍PASCAL程序的结构初步认识集成环境、编辑程序、保存程序运行程序、
浏览次数:38次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
EPROM(可擦的,可编程的只读存储器) Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light. Once erased, an EPROM can be reprogrammed with the
浏览次数:95次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
EEPROM(电可擦的,可编程的只读存储器) Electrically Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. (Pronounced"Double-E"-PROM.) A type of ROM that can be erased electronically. 电可擦的,可编程的只读
浏览次数:108次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
ENEA: ( 1)European Nuclear Energy Agency 欧洲核能机构 (2) 瑞典ENEA嵌入式技术有限公司 ENEA是全球领先的嵌入式实时技术软件公司,主要提供OSE实时操作系统(RTOS),Eclipse开发工具,LINX IPC,Element
浏览次数:104次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
Emulator(仿真器) Short for In-Circuit Emulator (ICE). A debugging tool that takes the placeof-emulates-the processor on your target board. Emulators frequently incorporate a special"bond-out"versio
浏览次数:44次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
Executable(可执行的) A file containing object code that is ready for execution on the target. All that remains is to place the object code into a ROM or download it via a debugging tool. 一个
浏览次数:183次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
embedded system(嵌入式系统
浏览次数:13次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
embedded system(嵌入式系统) A combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or other parts, designed to perform a dedicated function. In some cases, embedded sy
浏览次数:84次 | 创建时间:2020/09/03
EPR目录[font][[font color=#0000ff]隐藏[/font]][/font][font color=#0000ff]一、EPR[/font] [font color=#0000ff]二、EPR[/font] [font color=#0000ff]Engine Pressure Ratio[/font][font color=#0000ff]三、EPR[/